03 April 2012

Underhammers and alligators

Dear readers,

Sorry for the lapse in coverage of late. There have been many recent events that have required my full and undivided attention and The Underhammer Society has been left unattended. To put it mildly, I've been up to my armpits in alligators.

In addition to all the really important things that needed tending, I have also been working on some of the refinements to my beloved Faeton underhammer rifles. These are new design features that have finally made the transition from my doodling pad to 3D models ready for the mold-making process. This is an exciting part of the creation process for me and almost as much fun as building the further refined Faetons that I've been planning for my clientele. I do have some of the changes already displayed on my site if you care to take a look: www.rjrenner.blogspot.com

I do expect to have some new posts for you in the near future. However, there is still a lot of material here for many of you to peruse if you click on the Older Posts link at the bottom right of the page. You will find 5 years of posting in the archives for your underhammer reading pleasure. That's right - The Underhammer Society is now 5 years old and some of you have been faithfully following since my first post waaay back when. Thanks for your continued interest.

So, stick around - don't wander off too far and we should have some new and exciting material in the near future when things settle down a bit around here. Which reminds me to remind you readers to send in your photos of your underhammer projects so I can share them with our other readers. If you have a story that goes with the photos so much the better. Contrary to what many think about us underhammer guys, most of us are capable of reading, too. So, a story would be greatly appreciated although not mandatory.  Don't be bashful, just send them in and we'll go from there.


RJ Renner

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