17 November 2011

New Google Picture Format

Dear friends,

Thank you for your interest in The Underhammer Society.

In the past few years that I have been writing and publishing this blog the format as provided by Google and Blogger has remained the same in regard to viewing the pictures featured with each post. In the past you could click on the photo and it would enlarge in a separate window for closer viewing. To return to the text you would simply click the Back arrow at the upper left corner of your screen.

Unfortunately Google has now decided to change the format in which pictures are presented. And, oh by the way, they didn't bother to notify me of this change. So now when you click on the photo you will be rewarded with the enlarged view, but you must click the WHITE X in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the text.

If you click the Back arrow as you did in the past you may be taken on a wild trip outside of this blog and you will have to find your way back again. This has happened to several of our readers who became frustrated when they were kicked out after having enjoyed the enhanced version of some of the photos. 

If by some chance you do click the Back arrow and are taken somewhere else, your computer might allow you to come back if your click the Forward arrow in the upper left of your screen - at least if does so with Firefox.

As you read some of the older posts you will be reminded of the OLD WAY to return to the text. Please disregard those instructions and follow the new instructions posted above. There are just so many references to the old method that I can't go back and edit them all.  Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Other than for that glitch, I hope you are enjoying this blog. Please stay tuned as I have new material on the way. Lately I've been up to my armpits in alligators and just have not had the time to focus on the blog. So those of you who need your underhammer fix for the month will have to hang on just a little bit longer.

I know it's going to be tough, but I'll leave you in the capable care of our official underhammer society nurse who may help you find comfort during the wait.


RJ Renner


While we're all here, let's practice the new way of enlarging the pics and returning to the text.

Please click on the photo of Nurse Bambi to enlarge her to her full potential. Now, notice in the upper right corner of the black picture-viewing screen there is a WHITE X. Just click on the X and you will be returned to the text.

See how simple that was?! Nothing to it.

Now let's see if you can remember to do that all the time as you revisit some of the those older posts, which BTW, you can get to the archives by going to the bottom of the page where on the right side there is a link to Older Posts. Click it and enjoy.

Yes, we're finished now and you can go back and enlarge Nurse Bambi and tell her all about your underhammeritis symptoms. If you're not sure if you have underhammeritis, there is a feature further down the page where Nurse Bambi is shown full size. You don't even need to click on her for full enjoyment.

I know you'll be just fine until I get the next story posted.


PPS:  Also a reminder that if you have an underhammer story or photos of your underhammer project, or a link to an interesting underhammer arm, I would happy to share them with our readers. Just drop me a line at:
underhammers@safe-mail.net and we can discuss it.

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