19 March 2011

We're taking another poll...

Well, it's time, once again, for another survey.

As you seasoned readers may recall, we conducted a simple survey a while back which provided some interesting information about you, our readers.

For instance, we learned that most of you are target shooters. However, we also have a strong following of hunters and a few collectors as revealed in the chart below.

Target shooters..........................................27  (67%)
Hunters.......................................................21  (52%)
Collectors.....................................................6  (15%)
All the above…………....……………..........10  (25%)

You can see that the actual number of participants was rather low considering how many of you actually come by to read this stuff. It's apparent from the hit counter at the bottom of the page that we do get a lot of visitors here. In fact, we hold the Number 1 spot on all the major search engines when it comes to underhammers. That’s because you readers have put us there and we thank you for your on-going dedicated interest.

So, we’re asking for a bit more participation this time around. Sorry that we had to resort to threats from Voldemort this time to encourage your participation. From the low turnout as indicated by the chart above, it seems that our use of blatant sex last time around did not arouse as much participation as we thought it would. Go figure…

This time we would like to know a bit about your firearms choices. Specifically, how many of you are died-in-the-wool underhammer aficionados compared to cross-overs, that is, those of you who also shoot other cap guns, flint guns or cartridge guns.

We would also like to know what kind of muzzleloading arms you are most interested in purchasing – off the shelf production stuff, or custom-made arms.

Please scroll on down to the bottom of this page and take the survey. Just tick the box(s) that apply to you. What could be more simple?


We would really appreciate your participation!

Questions of comments may be directed to: underhammers@safe-mail.net.



First of all, I would like to thank every one of our readers who took the time to participate in the survey. There was a total of 76 respondents and the results are quite interesting to consider. Not surprisingly, there are really only a very few of you folks who are dyed in the wool underhammer shooters. I did suspect that there was a considerable crossover element, but I had no idea just how many of our readers are also of the cartridge crowd. Well over half of you shoot all manner of firearms. Great to have your interest.

Also quite surprising is the number of you readers who are also builders of your own firearms. That was most pleasing to see - a whopping 60%! With that in mind, in the future we will consider more information geared toward your interests in crafting your own arms.

The question of the survey was:

My shooting interests involve:

Underhammers only
  3 (3%)
Underhammers and other muzzleloading percussion cap arms
  13 (17%)
Underhammers and other percussion and flint ignition arms
  17 (22%)
Underhammers, cap, flint, and cartrdge arms
  52 (68%)
I prefer to buy completed off-the-shelf firearms
  22 (28%)
I prefer to buy custom firearms made to my order
  8 (10%)
I build my own firearms from kits or from scratch
  46 (60%)
None of the above - I'm just visiting
  4 (5%)

Again, thanks for your participation.



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