26 June 2010

The Screendoor Underhammer, or Why Gun Control Will Never Work.

Well, you can take my glasses ‘cause now I’ve seen everything!

Recently I received an e-mail from one of our readers with the title, “Why gun control will never work.”
I'll tell you right now that this one gets the ribbon for Yankee ingenuity and uniqueness - and it's an Underhammer!

Our reader said he had found these pics on a shooting forum but couldn’t remember which one. I wish we knew because I would really like to tip my hat to the maker of this ingeniously simple muzzleloading underhammer gun and give him/them the credit due.

This underhammer is so simple that it could have been made from nothing more than an old screen door and a piece of pipe. Apparently, it's an “assault rifle” because it is marked “Yooper Assault Rifle” on the right side of the stock.

The photos are pretty self explanatory so I won’t distract you from your boyish excitement and enthusiasm over this neat little zip gun with my editorializing. However, if, by chance there is something that you might have a question about, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail and together we'll probably figure it out.

Remember that clicking on the photos will enlarge them. Then click the Back button on your browser to return to the text.

BTW, if anyone does know the source of these pics, please let me know so we can give credit where credit is due.

PS Note: the mystery about the name, Yooper, has been solved by a reader in the Comment below.
PPS: Apparently the Yooper is the creation of Fuzzbean and featured on the Home Gunsmith Forum, the link to which is posted in the Comment section below, thanks to another Anonymous reader. 

I know I said I wouldn't editorialize this thing, but I just gotta say that I really love that trigger!

It just doesn't get any simpler than this, guys.

Enjoy and dream!



  1. I think I shot this gun some years ago at a club I belong to. It was a smoothbore with a barrel of seamless tubing.

    The maker of the one I shot had experimented with some different projectiles but when I fired it it was loaded with a patched lead ball.

    Locktime wasn't as quick as some other BP guns I've shot but the screen door spring gave the hammer quite a bit of whack.

    Yooper is a term for residents of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, also called "The U.P." I can't recall the maker's name, but it wasn't Yooper.

  2. It was Built by Fuzzbean on the Home Gunsmith Forum
    [URL=http://www.homegunsmith.com/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi?s=b089c6d25f5a925cd217e27a4cfa4686;act=ST;f=30;t=15656;hl=fuzzbean]here is the link[/URL]
