15 May 2010

Another mystery for you underhammer sleuths.

Some time ago I received an inquiry from one of our readers regarding a rather well-made underhammer action sporting a coiled internal mainspring. Unfortunately, I don't have any information on the maker, D.A. Stanley. 

The sophistication of the part numbering system that Mr. Stanley employed seems to indicate that he may have made a number of these little actions. Perhaps enough of them that some of you readers may recognize the gadget and know the story behind the man and his underhammer product. If you have any information please contact me by e-mail and I'll share it with our readers.

After careful study of the photo, I am guessing that it was intended for use in a target rifle as it does not appear to have a half-cock or safety notch which is essential in a field gun.

For those of you who are tinkerers and machinists, you can get a closer look at the workings of it by clicking on the photo. Then click the Back button on your browser to return to the text. Perhaps you'll get some inspiration from its design.

BTW, our poll results indicate that most of you readers are target shooters, so I do hope that the Stanley action is something that some of you may recognize.


1 comment:

  1. After copying the photo, enlarging and using 'fill light' there is more detail revealed and the trigger mechanism may be more than one part and acting on the hammer, but it may act on the housing of the spring via a simple sear notch.

    Any guesses?
